unscripted home blog

Le Bras

Software engineer — Fullstack TS

Hello there 👋,
Welcome to my digital home.

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I'm open to work, so reach me out if you are interested in my profile and let's start an exciting journey 🚀

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About me

I'm a 32 years old fullstack web developer with 10+ years of experience (and yet so much to learn !) from France.

I like to learn new things and tinker with web related stuff.

Marathonian 🏃 — Best time 3:50 (2023 Paris Marathon)

Mostly interested in outdoor sports.

What will you find here ?

For now, not that much.
But I really want to start blogging about any things that come to my mind.
That could be tech related or not !

For the techies

What stack do you use for this site ?

Ok I will try my best to describe what's behind the scenes, and more importantly why I chose those building blocks.

Source code versionning

If you are not using git for your projects, you should.
Except for legacy or corporation reasons I do not see why one would not use it.
I decided to host the code in a private github repository, that's free and simple.


This site is statically generated.
As a website that is intended to showcase my skills and share my thoughts/experiences, this is mostly like a book.
I write stuff so awesome people like you (yes you over there) can read it and...


No interactions, dynamic stuff, etc... So SSG fits perfectly my use case.
That's an important point to remember, if you can, always use the right tool for the right job.

Ok that's cool but what tool do you use to generate your site ?

Glad you asked, I chose Astro.
Astro can do many things, and was primarily used to build SSG websites.
Its a javascript-based tool and more importantly content-based (as advertised). You can define your content as pure html, markdown (for your blog posts) and many other templating possibilities.
Looks like the right tool for me.


I wanted something simple to bootstrap and free to use, to focus on the content of the site and little to zero maintenance so I dismissed dedicated hardware or VMs.

Today you can choose between many hosting services for static sites, that are free and can integrate with your git worfklow to auto-deploy.
But be careful, some of them can charge you in unexpected ways... Photo from Twitter about a $104K bill from Netlify

I finally chose Cloudflare Pages:

Happy Coding 🙂